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Celtic Music Search Engine


 I have recently been sensing the desire to perform a Free Oracle Reading for the sake of my beloved friends. My querent: @johiriverossalinas 

I would love to share it also with you 💕...This time the single draw goes for the "MAGICKAL WHISPERS"™ DECK -A Unique and Rare Norse Gael Oracle- Handbook AVAILABLE NOW IN PRINT on Amazon.

You can place an ONLINE ORDER of this DECK on its OFFICIAL SITE at THE GAME CRAFTER 

The featured binding Rune is "Tiwoll" ... It is related to the Divine Spiritual Realm. It is the rune of the spiritual warrior, and the path walker who has success in competition.

The Oracle tell us to "Feel inspired and perceptive with the light that brings the secret knowledge and wisdom. Protect your faith, as it will be challenged.

It is more than simply yet another oracle. It is a synthesis of elementary runic combinations of wisdom drafted from the common grounds between the Vikings and Celtic people.

We can activate, unite, interact, and direct the energy that runes convey using bind runes.Simply focus on their shared devotion to trees and runic alphabets, a topic that inspired me to create the present oracle in which Celtic and Viking sacred trees, deities, and kennings, take part whenever they share similar common ground.

  AVAILABLE NOW IN PRINT at "TheGameCrafter.com"

Place an ONLINE ORDER on its 

 I'd really would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the artisan, Mari Johansson (https://etsy.com/shop/TrollTovaDesign),

and the photographer, Beata Wagner (https://beatreez.wixsite.com/darkfolio),

whose pictures provided me with more inspiration than I could have dreamed of for the cover and mat artwork designs for this oracle.


Creative Commons License
The featured images are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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