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The “Wisdom of The Woods”™ Oracle Deck: A Single Card Reading

I have been sensing the wish to perform a Free Oracle Reading for the sake of my beloved friends. My querent: @momento_marie_tarot

 I would love to share it also with you 💕...This time the single draw goes for the "Wisdom of The Woods"™ Deck -A Unique and Rare Celtic Tree Oracle- 🌳 AVAILABLE NOW IN PRINT

You can place an ONLINE ORDER of this DECK on its OFFICIAL SITE at THE GAME CRAFTER 

This time the revealed tree card was "Willow". For Celts  the Willow Tree symbolizes Wisdom Intuition Dreams Emotions Rebirth. 

The Oracle tell us to "Let your intuition flow and respond to events according to your personal vision." Empowering your feminine energy and lunar regency will surely help you focus on your aims 🌟
This Oracle Deck delves not only into Celtic Divinaton subjects and motifs, but also comprises this cute Handbook and a Wheel Board.

You will find it useful for clearing up your mind regarding certain moments and events in your life. Regaining your balance and strength, you will certainly find yourself more reflexive upon the faults and fears that threaten us.

👉Link on Menu 

https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/wisdom-of-the-woods-a-unique-and-rare-celtic-tree-oracleThe featured artworks belong to the WISDOM OF THE WOODS™ - Celtic Tree Oracle - , a singular set of Decks and Wheel Board, I designed for this divination system developed as a compendium of kennings and symbolisms taken from the Ogham Tree alphabet, Druidry, and Celtic lore. 

You can place an Online order at its OFFICIAL SITE

For further information about Celtic Divination, I wrote a whole eBook was regarding this subject as part of the whole Oracle Deck project.Please check out the special Kindle Edition at Amazon.com.

Creative Commons License

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