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“Celtic Spirit Guides™" - Uncovering Your Allies - Oracle Deck - Sample Reading

 Pleased to share with you a sample reading I have recently performed on request of a close soul sister.

The querent was experiencing the need to be more engaged with her ancients, and wasn't sure how to strengthen and improve this relationship. 

After spreading the twelve cards I received the following card layout:

As you may notice on the featured video, the unveiled spirit guides on this ocasion were:

The Cat 

SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE: It teaches us to alter our daily routine, and the way we take our decisions, being more selective, clear, reflexive, and clever. They are used to give us messages of change, and intuition.

ANIMAL WISDOM AND MEDICINE : Independence, unpredictability, healing, curiosity, many lives, magic, mystery, cleverness, the ability to fight when cornered, seeing the unseen. Creativity, Secret Knowledge, Inspiration, Enlightement, Divination, Perception, Wisdom.

The Hound Dog

SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE: It will be your unconditional guide, willing to serve you and lead you to limitless potential if you offer the chance. Establish a good relationship with him, and you will learn the true meaning of unconditional love, loyalty and frogiveness. His power retains the gentleness of a best friend and the fierce energy of a kind protector.

ANIMAL WISDOM AND MEDICINE : Defense, Protection, Heroism, Courage, Loyalty, Friendship, Unconditional Love, Assistance, Obedience, Tracking Skills, Intuition, Virility, discernment, and determination. Creativity, Secret Knowledge, Inspiration, Enlightement, Shapeshifting, Perception, Wisdom,Visionary States, Celebration.

The Rabbit

SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE: It always brings good news to us. For their association to the Otherworld, when you're doing a meditation that involves an underworld journey, call upon the rabbit to be your guide.

ANIMAL WISDOM AND MEDICINE : Good fortune, Conception and Fertility, Rebirth, New Beginnings. It helps us along with the power energy of the moon to start with new projects, and their necessary timing. Creativity, Secret Knowledge, Inspiration, Enlightement, Divination, Perception, Wisdom.

The Owl

SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE: When an owl spirit appears on our lives, he will give you the inspiration to explore and discover the unknown, to notice what others cannot differ, to see what is usually hidden to others.

ANIMAL WISDOM AND MEDICINE : Deep Connection with Wisdom and Intuitive Knowledge, Outstanding Perception, Changes on Life, Transitions. Inner Spirit, Healing, Fertility, Prosperity, Faerie Magick, Romance.


  • Both Cat and Hound Dog allies are pointing North. NORTH (Earth) Focusing on The Material Grove. “Related to things, objects, work, and Money”

The Crone Goddess rules here over: the body, growth, nature, birth, death, silence, caves, groves, burial mounds, standing stones.When you need help to endure sudden endings and your passage in this life, how the circle of life moves on and how Nature is linked to it. Find a moment for reflection and introspection.
    Remember that in the Material Grove you will find a moment for reflection and introspection. Instead of being alone, praise to her and celebrate your later years aware that wisdom also comes with age.The Oracle reveals here quite positive possibilities for you to solve any problem or question regarding material and wealth aspects.

    This "Material Grove" is assisted by the Stag totem, with his leadership you will have the power and strength to trespass new thresholds. Move forward seeking your goals with success. It is a time to get rid of luxury and those material things we wont be able to carry to the Otherworld and keep closer to our kids and family, and stay connected with people.

    Winter is your favorable season and you may find a propitious time at midnight. If your are devote to the Moon energies and rituals, the new moon shall be the auspicious one.

    • The presence from both Cat and Hound Dog spirit guides tell us:
    1.  It is time to regain deep understanding and compassion. To begin to serve selflessly, never asking to be praised for your service or expecting anything in return. Be sensitive and intelligent. 
    2.  It is time to act in a creative and fearless way like them. Avoid to feel down when cornered or in times of trouble, stand straight and struggle for your right to survive. We should learn from them that the physical and spiritual worlds are just the same.
    3. "Feel inspired and perceptive with the light that brings the secret knowledge and wisdom."

    • Both Rabbit and Owl allies are pointing South. SOUTH (Fire). Focusing on The Emotional Grove. “Related to Love, Family, and Friendship”
    The Green Man rules here over the energy, spirit, heat, flame, blood, sap, life, growth, bonfires, candle flames, groves, and the sun.

    Remember that in the Emotional Grove you will find a time for reunion, balance, and granted success. When you are feeling down and with lack of energy, his influence is quite positive since he represents the circle of life itself. His eternal truth nurtures us throughout the long winter till the spring when he mingles with Mother Earth and shares with us his presence once again.

    You should call upon the Green Man when in need to learn about the mysteries of growing, and receive the energy from trees.

    This realm is assisted by the Boar totem, with his influence you will take notice of your challenges and struggle for balance with decisive actions till fortune is on your way. He is also a symbol of protection, and spiritual strength. With his boldness we may succeed asafe on our goals and aims.

    Summer is your favorable season and you may find a propitious time at noon.If your are devote to the Moon energies and rituals, the Full Moon shall be the auspicious one.

    This realm is assisted by the Boar totem, with his influence you will take notice of your challenges and struggle for balance with decisive actions till fortune is on your way. He is also a symbol of protection, and spiritual strength. With his boldness we may succeed asafe on our goals and aims.

    • The presence from both Rabbit and Owl spirit guides tell us:

    1.  It is time to move forward honoring their parntnership. Take care of your decisions and the paths you take in order to avoid dangerous and negative events. Learn from his swiftness and develop your senses and perceptions so as to move fast on these situations.

    2. It is time to develop your deepest perceptions and instincts.You are able to make strong decisions even through times of confusion. Discover now your hidden abilities in order to discern the true reality beyond decieving appearances. Use this gift to help others getting acquainted of what worries them in the dark side of their souls.
    3. "Nurture your inner growth and creativity. This is a time for passionate love, magick and healing. Feel inspired and perceptive with the light that brings the secret knowledge and wisdom."

    It was indeed a marvellous reading, Both Emotional and Material Realms compliment here since the presence of the Stag and the Boar totems shall surely assist her to get rid of material things, and receive protection and spiritual strength in order to be more in contact with the Otherworld. Though according to her query I suggested her to stress on the feelings related to family, love, and friendship.

    1. The presence of the rabbit 

      is asking her to evaluate dull feelings. Living with fear affects you in a negative way, so start thinking about the way to become wiser and more cautious. With their positive wisdom of love and health, begin to grow accompanied by those who may actually assist you. And the presence of the owl complements this quite well since he warns us about a forthcoming peril or change in our lives, or that you are about to leave old habits. She knows that you need to pay attention to her intuitions and discover those important signs on our path that are not obviously easy to see.
    2. Cats represent feminine power, hightened spiritual awareness, hidden meanings or hidden powers within the dreamer. Tamed cats make reference to a comfortable place in our lives. And hereby the meaning is reinforced by the Hound Dog, who show us that we are definitely devoted to our close and beloved ones, feeling joy serving others and being close to the needs of them

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