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THE "MAGICKAL WHISPERS™" DECK: " Norse and Celtic Rune Casting" Part Two


In Druidry, the Ogham is the primary divination instrument (the "h" spelling is debatable)."Oh-um" or simply "ohm" is how the term is pronounced. The Ogham is made up of 20 different Celtic tree alphabet letters, as well as five diphthongs that aren't generally included. Each of the twenty is based on one of twenty sacred trees, and the names of the letters are ancient Welsh (correct me if it's Gaelic) names for the trees.

They were not used to writing things down since their knowledge was seen as too precious to be written down and was only passed down verbally. The symbols eventually evolved to have divinatory connotations,and the community's Ovate (a second-degree Druid who is a master of healing and divination) would read for the community's leaders and even peasants. For many judgments, they relied significantly on the Ogham.

 The primary aim of ogham for current Druids and Neo-Pagans is divination. “Tochmarc Étane”, a story from the Irish Mythological Cycle, mentions ogham symbol divination. In the story, the druid Dalan uses four yew wands to write ogham letters. Then he performs divination using the tools.

 The story does not go into detail about how the sticks are used or understood. Another way necessitates the use of a cloth marked with Finn's Window. A person picks some sticks at random, throws them on the cloth, and then examines the symbols as well as where they landed.

 The divinatory meanings are typically based on tree ogham rather than the Bríatharogam kennings. Each letter has a meaning that is drawn from its association with a tree or other plant. Briatharogam kennings are used by some Druidic scholars as a basis for divinatory meanings in ogham divination. In such systems, the three sets of kennings can be divided into Past-Present-Future or Land-Sea-Sky groupings, but alternative organizational structures are also utilized.

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 I'd really would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the artisan, Mari Johansson (https://etsy.com/shop/TrollTovaDesign),

and the photographer, Beata Wagner (https://beatreez.wixsite.com/darkfolio),

whose pictures provided me with more inspiration than I could have dreamed of for the cover and mat artwork designs for this oracle.

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