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THE "MAGICKAL WHISPERS™" DECK: "My Approach to Nordic Spirituality"


What attracts me most of Nordic spirituality is the strong link between both magickal and religious aspects. It was in my 30s when I was first allured by the runes and their magick, present on some verses of one of the most obscure poems included on the Poetic Edda, the so-called "Sigrdrifumol" as Sigrdrífa ("victory-bringer") concerning with runic magic and their use (victory, healing, protection, understanding) on stanzas 5-18. I realized that Nordic magick has great correspondence with shamanism.

 In fact, the god Odin and goddess Freya, are the two main practitioners of shamanism amongst the Nordic gods. A tradition performed later by wandering women as völva, who were used to be commissioned to practice the seiðr rituals for divination and clairvoyance. Historical evidence shows that Germanic and Celtic peoples interacted for thousands of years, speaking both Indo-European languages and using runic alphabets, which I will discuss later.

 Although there is no genetic link between Vikings and Celts, they lived near each other circa 1000 BC, and Celtic civilization had a profound impact on the ancient Germanic peoples. As a result, they have a lot of similarities. The Irish are mainly Northern Celtic (Gaelic) people, whereas the Scandinavians are predominantly Northern Germanic people (Norse).

 I am pretty sure there was an intermarriage between both cultures. A good testimony to this intermarriage is that recent genetic testing in Iceland has revealed that its inhabitants own a significant amount of Celtic DNA [estimated at about 20%] in their gene pool. On the other hand, I imagine that the Norsemen who settled in Ireland continued to worship their own gods through their own practices and rituals.  The Norse–Gaels (Old Irish: Gall-Godil; Irish: Gall-Ghaeil; Scottish Gaelic: Gall-Ghàidheil, 'foreigner–Gaels') were a people with Gaelic and Norse heritage. They first appeared during the Viking Age, when Vikings who landed in Ireland and Scotland embraced Gaelic culture and intermarried with Gaels.

Try out the "Magickal Whispers" Bind Runes and open your mind to feel their energy. The power of the runes is archetypal and has the same influence on our lives as it did during mythical times. Get free from your anxieties, be constantly mindful and unconcerned about the outcomes. 

Even if you only use this oracle for your own benefit, it is critical that you cultivate your inner intuitions and empathy skills to assist querents. If the guidelines are correctly read, the querent will find it easier to apply them to his personal benefit. I do strongly believe that divination is our personal journey to the Otherworld. It is our intimate contact with Nature Sprites and deities who will surely guide us through the correct options and warn us of negative events in our lives. With the help, of course, of our ancestors, who are certainly aware of how the past affects our future in this life.

  AVAILABLE NOW IN PRINT at "TheGameCrafter.com"

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 I'd really would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the artisan, Mari Johansson (https://etsy.com/shop/TrollTovaDesign),

and the photographer, Beata Wagner (https://beatreez.wixsite.com/darkfolio),

whose pictures provided me with more inspiration than I could have dreamed of for the cover and mat artwork designs for this oracle.

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