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THE "MAGICKAL WHISPERS™" DECK : "Conceiving the binding runes"


“May the runes whisper their secrets, may their spell claim to be yours.

Let the runes reflect your inner soul, and keep you safe while you hold on,

May it be thus at every turn of your seeker's journey."

I first became aware of this binding Runes oracle many years ago, during one of my past life therapy sessions. The memory has been quite vivid for all these years. I was sitting by a fireside on a rocky and windy beach, next to a shaman woman who was casting some sliced pieces of wood branches inside her mystic drum. She handled her drum in a circular movement. First clockwise and then counterclockwise, at a steady and ceremonial rhythm. Symbols that seemed to be glyphs were painted in red on each piece. She threw them onto the black cloth beside her and gazed at them for a long time. I have always envisioned myself in a Hebridean fishing village. I never got any reply from her reading, but I do recall her throwing several multicolored stones over the fabric afterwards, as if she could experience an extra premonition by doing so.

  While creating the "Magickal Whispers" Oracle Deck, I felt awakened by my prior life experience in which this supposed völva (female Shaman in Old Norse culture, religion, and mythology) used these colored stones in addition to runes, and ever since, I have had the strange impression that those colorful shapes were closely tied to the moon's phases. This remembrance was the reason that inspired me to create the Moon Phases Expansion Deck, which you may add to your readings at your wish.

 I never had the intention of mingling both Norse and Celtic beliefs at all, since it is unlikely for me to worship a Celtic deity in the way it is accustomed to worship a Norse deity. I simply focused on their shared devotion to trees and runic alphabets, a topic that inspired me to create the present oracle in which Celtic sacred trees, deities, and kennings, take part whenever they share similar common ground. 

 Regarding their alphabets, it was the coded way to write runes called "Lønnrunor" the one that uggested a great similarity in shape with the ogham signs. These "hidden runes" were supposed not only to hide the inscription's meaning but were also used on rune magickal sigils or staves that appear on amulets and talismans. I personally believe they were the incarnation of the concept they referred to, being the rune staff, consequently the embodiment of the hidden powers behind each rune concept. The inscriptions on the Vålsta stone impressed me the most because of their correspondence.

  Thus, the glyphs I created for the oracle are "bind runes". Bind runes are rare to find in Viking age inscriptions but are common in earlier and later (medieval) inscriptions. To compose this type of symbol, I focused on both Norse and Celtic tree lore to trace the symbolic meeting that their runes possess in common. Thus, the synergy posed by the linked rune magnifies the three aspects of the glyph: body, soul, and spirit, which are translated into its sign, its secret, and its sound. In this case, the runes that compose it conjure an additional utility.

  The "Magickal Whispers" elemental characters consist of runic combinations, where a Norse and an Irish rune seemingly fuse together to form a symbol. In this case, the fusion is on its vertical line because, according to rune lore, it represents the world pillar that exists in the center of the world and connects the above and below, while the arrow cap is associated with energy flow. We can activate, unite, interact, and direct the energy that runes convey using bind runes.

 My approach to connecting Norse rune interpretation is based on three of the surviving old Rune Poems, which were presumably used to aid in memorizing and transmitting the lore. The chosen alphabet was the one called Elder Futhark since it is the oldest one. I employed the version derived from the Kylver stone, which places the "o"-Othala- last. 

Follow the ogham kennings and the rune wisdom-infused awakening path... Discover more about divination meanings. Create your own sacred space to understand the magical reason why the cards are displayed in this manner... listen to their luminous message flowing with harmony directly from the source... On reclaiming our ancient wisdom, we shall recover our past knowledge... Divining is a healing art.!

  AVAILABLE NOW IN PRINT at "TheGameCrafter.com"

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 I'd really would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to the artisan, Mari Johansson (https://etsy.com/shop/TrollTovaDesign),

and the photographer, Beata Wagner (https://beatreez.wixsite.com/darkfolio),

whose pictures provided me with more inspiration than I could have dreamed of for the cover and mat artwork designs for this oracle.


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