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Harp & Chat: Interview with Myriam Carl Ayuna - Part Two

 As a follow-up to my previous interview with Myriam Carl Ayuna, "Part One" I'm excited to share some new details about her.

Celtic Sprite: How about those beautiful songs of yours? Do you get inspiration from the lyrics just as much as the music?

Myriam: The muse doesn't always kiss me so generously as I described before in a way that the whole song comes through in one go. Sometimes the lyrics come first, sometimes the melody and sometimes it takes months or years to tinker on a song. Or a lyric is left in a drawer until the time is right. I have a broad collection of snippets. Sound snippets and text snippets. 

What is most important is the spirit of the song. When it‘s time for this spirit to be birthed, then it can be felt as an urgent need and I surrender. I love the process of birthing a song. It always leaves me astounded and humble about the flow and synchronicity of the events. 

Celtic Sprite: Since I first met you, I suddenly began to discover your passion to honor the Celtic languages. Would you say this is a sheer past-life feeling? I am asking this because I often felt the same attitude, not only sensing but also considering the need to preserve songs as they are actually culturally conceived.

Myriam: When I first heard a song in Irish Gaelic, I was touched to tears, because it felt like coming home. So yes, you are very sensitive, me too I feel it to be a past-life thing. And from that time on, I enjoyed singing traditional songs in Irish or Scottish Gaelic. But for my upcoming CD "Wheel of the Year" I put four poems written in four different Celtic languages into music. And they were written by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Zeidler, the head and founder of the Forum Celtic Studies at the University of Trier, my town of birth. 

What striked me the most was the poem in Cornish language. I had no idea that I would love that language so much. It had been nearly extinct, but could luckily be revived from the last 4-5 native speakers. Isn't it amazing?

Celtic Sprite: Yes, it is! ...  I definitely agree with you, so does it happen with the arrangements of each of your songs?

Myriam: All the songs I wrote before 2018 have been arranged in a folk context in collaboration with fellow musicians. This has made them very imaginative and sonorous. For 5 years I arranged the songs mainly alone. It is a different approach, sometimes harder, but sometimes even more rewarding. I love both ways of arranging.

For me, each song has a distinct personality and is a world unto itself. When other people experience my songs' imagery, words, and feelings as being targeted to them, it gives me a very special sense of fulfillment. For me, sharing like this entails abundance.

Celtic Sprite: You once told me about your love for the moon. Has a regent Moon Goddess ever influenced your spiritual life? ...  (My favorite one is Rhiannon in every facet of her.)

Myriam: Yes, like you, I feel drawn to moon goddesses. The one who influenced me a great deal is Artemis, since she is the protector of the woods, the wild animals, children and women. I love her uncompromised, fearless and straight-forward character. And that she can help with focusing on a goal. Her energy corresponds with the phase of the New Moon, which I always conceive as very powerful.

I wasn’t so familiar with Welsh mythology up until this year, but Rhiannon always was very close to me, since she carries the vibes of the Gaulish horse Goddess Epona. Epona was about 2000 years ago the mainly worshipped Goddess in the region where I was born and grew up. I am happy to dive even deeper into the realms of Rhiannon through your music.

Celtic Sprite: I appreciate you taking the time to speak with us for this quick interview; I know our readers will be interested in learning more about your planned endeavors, and I for one am looking forward to conducting further interviews with you.

 Myriam: It was an honor to be included on your blog, so thank you very much. As a final reminder to all Celtic Sprite blog readers, if you have any questions please get in touch with me through my "Mystic Folk" - Official Website, or any of my social media sites. Keep up the great work, and I appreciate you as well.

Let me share with you this beautifully written hymn for the Celtic Goddess Brigid.

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YouTube Music Channel

You can also find meditation music and guided meditations on her

 "Ayuna Healing Sounds" YouTube Channel,

 where she always strives to be a pure conduit for healing sounds and energies. 

Find updates and further information about Myriam Carl Ayuna on her  

"Mystic Folk" - Official Website

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