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Divinations for the Candle Moon (1-23-12 to 2-21-12)

This is a time for Awakening

This is the time when the slow energy of the winter quickens and our thoughts turn towards beginnings...

The beginning of the thaw...

The beginning of a new cycle of growth...

The beginning of that-which-is-to-come after the prolonged rest of the winter darkness.

These celebrations have different names like Imbolc, or Candlemas, or Lupercalia, but they share a purpose. They are a reminder of the first seed of springtide as the Lord of the Forest walks the land to awaken the sleeping plants and animals with an acorn wand.

Whether you know this as the Snow Moon, the Rowan Moon, the Candle Moon, or the Horning Moon, you know the best use of this newly awakened energy is purification and preparation for the rebirth promised in the noticeable lengthening of the days.

This is what I'm saying SweetPea... it's like the whole universe has just yawned and stretched and rubbed her eyes to a brand new morning. What do you usually do with a morning? Wake up, wash up, and wind up to start the whole rest of the day.

So, what needs to awaken in your life?...




Whatever it is... roust it out and splash a little cold water on it. There is no better time than the fresh start of a whole new cycle to re-dedicate yourself to those things that are of the utmost importance to you... so...

Gather your hopes and dreams together...

Sift through them...

Let them run through your fingers like glittering gems while you decide which ones are ready for revival. When you have the ones that offer the biggest and brightest promise for this cycle of regeneration and renewal, haul them out to a place of prominence in your future plans and take the next step, (whatever it may be...), toward achieving these hopes and dreams. Maybe you will need to make a call for more information. Maybe you will need to seek out advice and guidance from others. Maybe you only need to acknowledge their importance by elevating them from dreams to goals. Whatever that "next step" actually is... this is a great time to actually take it.

You awake now?

You sure?


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(all rights reserved by the author and reposted under her kind permission)

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