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Loreena McKennitt: "Under A Winter`s Moon" - New Seasonal Live Album Out Now (Official Press)


Loreena McKennitt - Under A Winter's Moon - Available Now
Under A Winter's Moon, available TODAY!
Loreena’s new seasonal, live album – a magical miscellany of music and spoken word – is now available in select bricks and mortar record stores, through all your preferred streaming and download services – and always from the artist’s store.We really appreciate your direct-from-the-artist purchases and those of you who pre-ordered Under A Winter’s Moon can be assured your CDs are now on their way. If you have yet to order yours and would like it in time for the holidays, the deadline to order is Dec. 9th. 
This new live recording, with its evocative blend of traditions and cultures, is sure to become a holiday favourite.


Copyright © 2022 Quinlan Road, All rights reserved.
VISIT: UnderAWintersMoon.com

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