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The “Battle Of The Trees” ™ Celtic Board Game : "Strategies"

As an "Attacker," try to put as many pieces as possible adjacent to the innermost ring to prevent “Defender's” pieces from jumping onto the Central Maze or moving over other of your pieces.
  • Organize your “Attacking Assaults” by entering the "Banishing Zone".
  • The “Attacker” can “only move forward” (there is no retreat for him) since his pieces cannot go "backwards". Sometimes a good move for the “Defender”, is to get behind an attacking piece to flank it, since “Attackers” cannot move backwards.
  • As an Attacker, think carefully before each move. Your only "withdrawal" consists of moving pieces sideways. On the contrary, the Defender can move his pieces in any of the four directions.
  • One way of defense is to reduce the opponent to a single playing piece or block all his movements.
  • When in need, sometimes, it might be useful to sacrifice the Attacker's pieces by forcing them to be captured within the Central Maze. By doing so, you will diminish the number of the defending pieces in return.
  • Captures or jumps are never mandatory.
  • As a “Defender”, attempt to place as many pieces as possible next to the innermost ring to defend the bounty.
  • Related Sources: 

    The featured information and artworks belong to the “Battle Of The Trees” ™ Celtic Board Game  , a creative and inventive chase and battle game that retains part of the spirit of the ancient Irish "Brandub" and "Fidchell" board games.

    One of its main features is that you may not only play it as a battle game, but also as a way for divination... You play as Gwydion, the bard and magician. “Lord of Knowledge” and “Lord of Trees”, and you will be responsible for animating the trees of the forest on their final quest.

     For further information about this game, I wrote a whole eBook as an extended version of the companion handbook, comprising the complete information upon the context and basis of “Battle Of The Trees” ™ Celtic Board Game, and now available on Kindle format at Amazon

    Place an Online Order at its Official Site

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