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The “Battle Of The Trees” ™ Celtic Board Game


When I was a little boy, I used to play several types of board games. As I grew up aware of my Celtic roots, the first two board games I came across with, were the mythical "Brandub" and the "Fidchell".

In my case, my intention was to create a game able to combine historical and mythical sources with divination. Therefore, my conception was based on the Byzantine circular chess board. Its rules retain part of the spirit of the "Brandub" and the "Tafl"games, plus Celtic Ogham Kennings and the symbolism present on the ancient Welsh poem of "The Battle of the Trees” or “Cad Goddeu”.

One of the main features of the “ Battle Of The Trees" ™  Celtic Board Game is that you may not only play it as a battle game, but also as a way of divination... And this was the hidden purpose I had , the creation of a game based on a historical and mythical source. Like countless other ancient Eastern board games, the "Fidchell" and the "Brandub" were a way for players to interpret divinatory signs.

Like with myWisdom Of The Woods™ Celtic Tree Oracle" (Card Decks and eBook), I followed the five elements conception present on Druidry. In the struggle to unveil your queries, each of the Attacking pieces is associated with an Ogham letter corresponding to the tree depicted on it. A divinatory path symbolized on the many ways to reach to the center of the game board (a place related to our personal being and the present stage of life).

In the hope you will find a pleasant time playing this board game, I wish you an enlightened journey to you all... !

Feel free to take a look at its official site! 

An extended version comprising the complete information upon the context and basis of this game is available now on eBook format at Amazon.com

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