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The Quinlan Road Community is getting a new name!

May 28, 2013 Official Press

Loreena McKennitt Community - Update 
  The Quinlan Road Community is getting a new name!

For years, we’ve been affectionately calling Loreena’s fans the Quinlan Road Community simply because her label is named Quinlan Road. But over the years, we have come to realise that most people do not make the association between her label and her name. So going forward, The Quinlan Road Community will be known as The Loreena McKennitt Community. We hope that this will clarify things for people who are seeking to join up just as you have.

Rest assured you will still have all the same perks that come with your free membership, including front-of-the-line tickets to concerts, news updates, newsletters, online chats, exclusive and special offers.

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