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Celtic Tree Oracle : Alder - Regent Tree (3/18 thru 4/14)

Blog originaly posted on Love of the Goddess, all rights reserved.

Today starts the month of the Alder tree on the Celtic calender, it goes from March 18 - April 14. The Alder tree was a sacred tree to the Faeries, in particular the Dark Faeries who are very protective of the tree. When they need to leave their beloved tree they are said to take the form of Ravens. The Alder is known as the "fairy's tree" in Celtic lore, so it's good for fairy magic. The faeries are said to dance under the trees when they are flowering.

The month of Alder is a great time for magic concerning spiritual decisions, prophecy and divination, teaching and protection. It is also useful for finding strength from within and conquering inner difficulties. A great time for some soul searching.

Alder wood is often called the "wood of the witches". It was often used it make magical pipes, flutes or whistles for use in sacred rituals. To honor the month of Alder, celebrate the spring equinox Ostara which falls on March 21.

Blessings )O(

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