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Memorable Data: 1987 - The CELTIC LEAGUE Annual General Meeting: text of their arbitrary resolution regarding GALICIA & ASTURIAS memberships.

The Place: Buenos Aires, Argentina; the Year: 1986.

We the celts gathered in the "Royal Celtic Association of Galician Pipers", decided to work together with our brothers form Spain, the “Lliga Celta d’Asturies” and the “Irmandade Celtiga”, in order to gain the recognition of Galicia and Asturias as Celtic Nations members of the The Celtic League. We subsequently passed forward our whole petitions with the enclosure of a large list of signatures (both Argentine and Spanish) unto their Celtic League’s International Branch Secretary, the late Alan Heusaff, on whom we always found echo of our aims.

He summoned a subcommittee in order to line out a proposal for the 1987 Annual General Meeting.

As a result, a couple of considerations were made: the first one, lined out a proposal considering Galicia and Asturias as associated member countries only; and a second one, considering our collectives part of the International Branch Diaspora, as individual associations or leagues.

Unfortunately, London and Manx branches opposed arguing that the Celtic League only considers as “nation” those people who posses “Celtic Language”. Although Galicia has many Celtic words in their language, and even when Celtic languages are spoken by a minority within their member countries , our request was denied. The same happened with Asturias.

“Celtic Nation” is still a term used to describe some territories in northwest Europe in which their own Celtic languages and cultural traits have largely survived. The term "nation" is used in this context to mean a group of people associated with a particular territory who share a common identity, language or culture, and is not synonymous with "country" or "state". Once again the “language” subject prevails.

The Celtic League at its Annual General Meeting of 1987 recognized that Galicia and Asturias had a Celtic heritage , but invited us to join as individual members only. Decision which we obviously rejected.

Ironically you may find hereby a front cover scan of their Carn Magazine # 25 issued on Spring 1979 where Galicia and Asturias appeared within dotted lines.According to the late Alan Heusaff, this dotted line for Galicia and Asturias was left out after 1979, after his proposal of full membership for these countries was rejected in that opportunity.

You may read below the text of their arbitrary resolution regarding GALICIA & ASTURIAS memberships. On top: scan of the print published on the Carn Magazine # 59 issued on 1987.

This A.G.M.:

(i) acknowledges that many vestiges of early Celtic influence persist throughout these parts of Europe once settled by our people.

(ii) expresses the hope that, from such areas, might come the support and understanding we need to pursue our aims more effectively.

(iii) recognises that in Galicia and the Asturias, not only do vestiges of Celtic influence remain. but that some people (still) consider themselves Celts.

(iv) and express therefore. friendship with the Galicians and Asturians and encourage them in their efforts to develop the Celtic elements in their heritage.

This A.G.M.:

(i) firmly reiterates that the Celtic League has a specific function within Celtia. i.e. to work for the reinstatement of our languages to a viable position, and the attainment of sufficient economic, cultural and political autonomy to guarantee the survival of our civilisation into the 21st century. This emphasis on the languages of our six nations marks us now as distinct cultural communities, and therefore as distinct nations. While this "special function" must remain undiluted, this A.G.M. considers that it would be condescending and inappropriate to offer a limited status to the applicant nations within the Celtic League.

(ii) We would however, consider it appropriate to allow the applicants individual membership to the International Branch.

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