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Celtic Leagues in the '80s: The "Lliga Celta d'Asturies" (Celtic League from Asturias), Asturias, Spain

Thanks to the publishing of one of our letters on the Carn Magazine we the celts in Argentina, gathered by 1986 under the "Royal Celtic Association of Galician Pipers", were soon contacted from Galicia, Spain, by the “Liga Celtica da Galiza” (Celtic League of Galicia) which led later into the “Irmandade Cetiga” (Celtic Brotherhood),and from Asturias, Spain, by the “Lliga Celta d’Asturies” (Celtic League of Asturias) (both are no longer active nowadays).

Hereby you may find the scan of their first official flyer and translation from the asturian text.


The Celtic League of Asturias is an associatio

n sheerly cultural , formed by a group of young people with a common aim: the membership of a community with deep Celtic roots and the conservation of this substrate and the empowerment of the manifestations of Asturian culture.

The association was founded in Gijón in early April 1980 among others by counsel Jesús Lopez Pacios, first secretary general, and certified a month later for its registration
authority concerned of the Civil Government of Asturias.
The C.L.A. is therefore open to research and work in the cultural field. Within our institution, we have a place for all those interested in the recovery and promotion of our culture. ( Hereby. Jesús Lopez Pacios, pictured on the center, on a recent lecture)

The purposes of this association are clearly related to cultural knowledge, study, research, protection and dissemination of the ancestral traditions of the Asturian Celtic people, which ranges from folk music to customary institutions, through art, the habitats, mythology, language, astronomy, etc. The territorial scope of this cultural entity extends to the whole Asturian country, and despite its name, is legally independent from other foreign Celtic Leagues.

The aims of the C.L.A. are related to the study, promotion and expansion of the cultural element, and essentially Celtic-Asturian that range from folkore and dances, to the customary institutions, and then by local crafts, mythology, cuisine, language and so on.
Therefore the association wants to awaken the awareness of the identity of Asturias and raise it to a higher position in our culture.

The territorial scope of activity of the C.L.A. fits into the cultural space of the Asturian area.At the local level, the C.L.A. is not linked in fact or in law with any other entity; anyway this does not excuses it to work, or reinforce decisions of other entities, or associations with common goals.

The activities of the C.L.A. are all those related to achieve its aims, namely: publications, competitions, exhibitions, tours, symposia, etc..
Many people in Astuiras is unaware of our heritage, prehistoric, protohistoric, myths, folklore, institutions, etc. Our group has been working in the research and recollection, in different aspects of our culture.

The partners of the C.L.A. are all active members, being responsible to participate in the development of our activities.

Our cultural association publishes a magazine on which we spread our work, as well as other research collaborations, contributed by people outside of the C.L.A. and even other countries, of course concerned to Asturias and Celtic culture in general.
This publication is called “ASTOR”, issued quarterly. It is distributed in the Asturian territory and elsewhere in Spain or outside the country, other countries of the so-called Celts and with whom we manintain a cultural exchange.

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