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Memorable Pics - 1985 - The Pan Celtic Festival at The Fahy Club

Review of the Festival published on "The Southern Cross" by those days

"The Fahy Club" as depicted on the Centenary Issue 1965-1975 of "The Southern Cross" our local irish paper.

In 1985 I organized the 2nd Pan-Celtic Festival at a local irish club "The Fahy"(the 1st one ever done was held in 1961 by galician and asturians) to which addressed a Galician and a Scottish Piping Band and Dancing Corps, the irish dancers of Celtic Argentina, and Ceolta Gael which was my duet at that time with Miguel Cosentino Cormack
This was the very first time when a whistle and a bodhran played live on this place

Ceolta Gael live at "The Fahy"

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