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Moon Water - Healing and Charms

A cute post named "Pagan Full moon water strengthening healing" by my Blogger friend

The Celts, like many other people, did always considered water as a sign of life good health, and oftenly as life itself, with a ritual symbolism of cleansing and purification. In my case, I find the most powerful expression in the Ocean, a sheer symbol of mystery and magick.

Purification before ceremonies is a perfect way to open ourselves to blessings, turning ourselves as pure beings unto the presence of Gods and Higher Spirits. By means of  ritual baths we are able to absorb  the power and the same sacredness retained in water itself.

This is a belief extended in the practice of concealing Full Moon Water Potions, since Water is an element which receives much of the influence of the Moon.

Celts use to drop a piece of real silver (or a silver object) when used for blessings, being the water employed in this cases the one that comes from spring wells and morning dew. Sea water and a piece of gold when used for healing to ban evil spirits away, because of its salty content.
Rain water is best for land blessings and for fertility rites, eg: blessing a woman who wants to conceive. Lake water is generally not used.

Specifical stones are also employed... naturally holed adder stones,or fulgurite (really a glass tube created by lighting striking soil); or even gems like quartz or moon stone, a stone a unique light effect that strengthens our intuition and our capacity to understand. The more clearer the more colourful its glow.

Waters are oftlenly laid out in bowls to absorb moonlight, sunlight, or starlight. And collected in a non-metal container. Crystal glass or ceramic bottles with corks are mostly common.

According to the rite the water was used for, some herbs may be added. Leaves of Vervain added to spring water to anoint ritualists before a ceremony, St. John's Wort to bless a house or a sick person, a branch of yew dipped in well water to sprinkle over a corpse and purify them for their journey to the underworld.

Modern uses of sacred water can be used to cleanse and bless a house, a sick room, a piece of land, or even any new furniture, items, or animals brought into homes.

During outdoor rituals, healers are used to sprinkle the ground, trees, and stones with blessed water using a wand or a twig from a sacred tree. It can be drank also for an internal healing as for purification baths taken before rites and ceremonies.

There are some powerful chants featured in the  Second Volume of the Carmina Gadelica (a collection of folk poetry from the Western Isles of Scotland. Volume II includes many incantations for luck, love and good health. This volume also has numerous poems about plants and animals, and extensive notes on the lore associated with them). 

Here are some combinations of them as featured by Sarah Lawless  on her official site. They can certainly be used for healing purposes, that denotes the ancestral origin of these traditions, during or after which the patient can either be bathed, or instead drink a glass.

Power of moon I have over it,
Power of sun I have over it,
Power of rain I have over it,
Power of dew I have over it,
Power of sea I have over it,
Power of land I have over it
Power of stars I have over it,
Power of planets I have over it,
Power of universe I have over it,
Power of skies I have over it,
Power of ancestors I have over it,
Power of heaven I have over it,
Power of heaven and God I have over it,
Power of heaven and God I have over it.

To ban away evil spirits this second one is very powerful, of cold spring water.

A portion of it on the grey stones,
A portion of it on the steep mountains,
A portion of it on the swift cascades,
A portion of it on the gleaming clouds,
A portion of it on the ocean whales,
A portion of it on the meadow beasts,
A portion of it on the fenny swamps,
A portion of it on the cotton-grass moors,
A portion of it on the great pouring sea-
She's the best one to carry it,
Oh the great pouring sea,
And she's the best one to carry it.
my soul,
keep me at evening,
keep me at morning,
keep me at noon,

In order To dipose of  water potions , they shoud be poured directly back onto the earth, to water sacred plants or as an offering onto the roots of a regent tree . Never dumped it down the drain like waste water.

I love to take a bath on my pool on Full Moon... and often  prepare a Moon Potion on a consecrated crystal bottle... filled with rain water and some seasonal herbs...  I just place it outside in the light of the moon for the whole night.

Don't forget to bring it indoors before the sun comes up. Consume for energy and healing... or blessing work that you feel would benefit from the moon's magickal power.

Moon Water -  Charms

As you may gather there is a charm suitable for each occasion.
I was once inspired to write down my personal Moon Charms, which I am glad now to share now with you:

"Moon Goddess from Above, 
share your Energy with us, 
Bless this bottle with your Endless Love, 
Let us be healed by your peaceful light."

"I pray to you Goddess of light
You who watch us over day and night
we honour you as our Great Mother.
I can now feel you walking with me,
And your presence within my heart."

"Moon Goddess from Above,
Reach me with your shiny eyesBless this bottle with your starry lightWatch us over day and night."

(c) 2013 Eliseo Mauas Pinto

Here are some examples of them, traditional and modern ones:

Hale fair washing to thee,
Hale washing of the Fians be thine,
Health to thee, health to him-
But not to thy female enemy.
~ Gaelic (used by midwives to sain newborns)

To remove from thee thy sickness
In the pool of health
From the crown of thy head
to the base of thy two heels.
~ Gaelic (bathing charm)

God bless your eye,
A drop of wine about your heart,
The mouse is in the bush
And the bush is on fire.
~ Gaelic (to avert the evil eye)

Bright blessings! ☼

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