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Divinations for the Promise Moon (8-17-12 to 9-14-12)

This is a time for Prophecy

This moon requires use of the forethought and far-seeing skills necessary to deciding what to keep and what to discard as we consider the uncertainty of survival through the seasons to come.

You have been growing with this years' Wheel to understand and appreciate the mysteries of re-birth as Winter changed to Spring, and you have grown to understand the magic and power of fertility as Spring changed to Summer.

Now it is time to grow again in your understanding that from the fullness of Summers' bounty comes the necessity for future planning as you consider the best use for all that you have harvested with this turn of the wheel.

In the last moonphase you honored vitality and the sacrifices which balance it through the rituals of Lammas. This moonphase will begin, wax to fullness, wane, and grow dark before the next celebration in the eight-spoked Wheel of the Year is upon us. Just as you actively move forward with each turn of the Wheel of the Year, you will rest and plan your next step between those turns. Now is one of those times. Now is the time of prophecy.

It is the time of outward action to see to the needs of the future.

It is the time of preserving and discarding that which is no longer needed.

It is the time of choosing the path you follow, and the paths which you must abandon.

It is the time to separate what you wish to carry into the coming season from what is an unnecessary burden and should be shed before Winter begins.

You may call this the Wine Moon, the Hunters' Moon, the Barley Moon, the Promise Moon, the Berry Moon, or the Ivy Moon. Whatever the name, you will know it as a time when the energy you have recently channeled into growth and harvest must now be turned to preservation and preparation for the coming season.

So, let the prophetic planning begin! The cool thing about making future plans is that you don't need to break a sweat, or move any major muscle groups to accomplish mighty marvels, so, stay right in that lawn chair while I get you another frosty beverage and you do what your Gramma used to call "daydreaming".

Yeah... that's it, what do you want to see come to pass before this year rolls on into history?

Where do you want to be when the new year rolls around?

What little tasks do you need to finish up before these daydreams reach the borders of reality?

What useless habits have you been dragging around that would best be dropped altogether?

Sit back... close your eyes... and we'll take a look at what you need for your own best possible future...

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(All rights reserved by the author and re-posted under her kind permission)

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