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Divinations for the Maiden Moon (2-21-12 to 3-22-12)

This is a time for new beginnings.

This is the time when all of earth's creatures know that the long sleep of Winter has come to an end. The Goddess is awake, and magic is afoot...

This is a time when earth's creatures can feel, and revel in the energy of life breaking the long Winter veil of illusion.

This is the time when earth's creatures will cheer the eternal struggle when light balances against... and finally overcomes darkness at the Vernal Equinox.

Fire withstands ice and the ensuing thaw bears testimony to the power of the returned sun bearing the promise of Spring, new beginnings, growth, exploration, and prosperity.

Historically, this month holds the key to rebirth, fertility, and deliverance from the long barren death of Winter. These themes of birth and deliverance have long been echoed in traditional spiritual celebrations such as Easter, Purim, Summarsblot and Alban Eilir.

You may know this as the Worm Moon, the Sap Moon, the Lenting Moon, the Maiden Moon, or the Alder Moon. Whatever your name for this moon, you will certainly be able to feel the promise of the warming sun and lengthening days it holds.

We have all been woodshedding long enough, and as long as light is stronger than darkness, it is time to throw open the curtains and let the sun shine in. There is no better moment to feel the earth tides turning toward the season of hope and renewal. Don't let these tides turn without you. You can do no better than to bring some of this hope and renewal right into your own world.

Will the caterpillar reveal a beautiful new form upon emerging from the cocoon?

Well... you can be assured that it will... and you can be assured of another thing as well. We can reveal beautiful new versions of our own, best, selves too!

Take advantage of this opportunity to break out of your Winter chrysalis of contemplation and see just exactly what your insights look like in the sunlight...

Do they look like new opportunities?...

Do they look like fresh starts?...

Do they look like second chances?...

C'mon Cupcake, fluff up the feathers on those dreams you have been hatching over the long Winter nap and take a good look at them in the fresh light of a whole new day, because I think this is the moment...

...this turn in the Wheel of the Year...

...this beginning of Spring...

...this is the moment to let them spread their little wings and fly.

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(all rights reserved by the author and reposted under her kind permission)

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