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Suggested Albums: "The Book of Secrets" (1997) by Loreena Mc Kennitt - Official announcement

Quotes from official press newsletter

Mmmmmm. Record release season is upon us here at Quinlan Road, and of late it has telt like a typhoon has hit the place.

Gone are the days when the band and I were cooking up the latest musical concoction at Real World Studios, or heading up the river in a paddle hoat to stcal a few serene momcnts away from the conundrums oi musical decisions.

As spring was late this year, I was content enough to he inside mulling over the selection ot musical ingredients and spices altorded us there. At times, ot course. the pendulum swung from feeling I was thc mad scientist to wondering it I was a clumsy short-order cook!

On the subject of "Thc Book Of Secrets", I should observe that for me, the work of creating and supporting a new recording has now evolved into a 3 year cycle. Now that I am nearing thc threshold of the release ot "The Book Of Secrets" (September 30, 1997), the most natural thing would be to hit the road on promotion and performance tours.

However, I am pulling back to take somc personal time for myself, and the only cycle and touring that I will be involved with in the foreseeable future is a bicycle tour in China this autumn.

As my work on recording. touring, running an office and a myriad ot other tasks involved in this project began in earnest in 1985 and has been going full tilt ever since, I have telt a growing need to reacquaint myself with family, community and friends without delay.

This is not to say there will be no live performances, as things could change at any moment.
However, building tours usually involves. at the very least, a tour to six month lead time and there are no wheels moving in that direction at the moment. It is with mixed feelings and with great difficulty that I have come to this decisión, particularly as I have always looked upon touring and performing as an opportunity to have a closer relationship with those who have exprcssed iriterest in my music.

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