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Lunar Calendar : The Candle Moon (January 23rd to February 21st)

This is a time for Divination.

In the calendar system we have provided as an example, this moon is typically named the Candle Moon. this name refers to the light of the candles which (in many traditions) serve as a representation of the celebrations of Imbolc, Candlemas, The Festival of Lights, and Brigantia, to name but a few of the many fire festivals celebrated on or around February 2nd to celebrate and encourage the return of the sun and with it, the renewal of hope.

In many other belief systems there are already time-honored traditions for the establishment of a calendar. We have encluded a few examples here for you to consider.

In the Celtic Tree Calendar the name of this moon is Luis (Rowan) which runs from January 21st to February 17th.

The Runic Calendar of Nordic traditions, (which is governed by half months rather than full months), divides this moon of the year by Sigel (sun) from February 12 through February 26th, and Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) from February 27th through March 13th.

The Goddess Calendar names this moon of the year after Bridghit and runs from January 23rd through February 19th.

The American Backwoods Calendar refers to this moon of the year as the Snow Moon and is determined by whichever full moon falls in February.

This is a time for awakening. This is the time when the slow energy of the winter quickens and our thoughts turn towards beginnings... The beginning of the thaw... the beginning of a new cycle of growth... the beginning of that which is to come after the prolonged rest of the winter darkness.

In history this moon brings the fever of love and is named after the Roman goddess Juno Februa, patroness of the passion of love. To this day February 14th is celebrated as a day of love and dedication throughout much of the world.

Whether you know this as the Sap Moon, Rowan Moon, Candle Moon, or the Worm Moon, you know the best use of this newly awakened energy is purification and preparation for the rebirth promised in the noticeable lengthening of the days. However this moon is named, it speaks to the rituals of purification and preparation for the return of the sun.

Today these rituals of purification and preparation are reflected in traditions of "Spring cleaning" the self denial of the lenten season, and even the lighthearted prognostication of "groundhog day", all of which are aimed at planning for future growth and fertility through present preparation.

So, with all that information to guide you, think of this moon as the perfect opportunity to prepare the path you would like to follow for the rest of your own personal year and observe it with the things that represent a dedication, (or a re-dedication), to your chosen path.

If you select a personal name for this moon, this name too, should correspond to whatever reflects re-dedication to your chosen path for you.

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(all rights reserved by the author and reposted under her kind permission)

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