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The Celtic Tree Alphabet – Part 1 by Eliseo Mauas Pinto

The trees meet varied roles in the Celtic tradition, so the analysis was conducted on two basic functions similar to those already developed by J.A.Johnston (Editor in the ‘80s of the unique Scottish Magazine Inner Keltia and mentor for the Caer Eiddyn -a reforestation foundation-), being the tree alphabet responsible for including both:a) The material and botanical qualities, beside the attributes of the trees in 'this world'. b) The open channels between the sacred trees' on This and the Other World '. The twenty-five trees of the alphabet plus the Gean (Wild Cherry), the Tilo, Mora, Retama, Juniper and Fern, are the most important part in the Celtic Tree Lore. I will consider the most representative of all them. It is noteworthy that most of the trees are of native forest and the British Isles, from the family of betuláceas and pinkish, except the vine. According to Robert Graves, this alphabet would have been brought in very primitive times from forested areas where the vines were in the wild, and it has been assumed from the south coast of the Black Sea.
(Birch) It is the first one in the ogmic alphabet , and is used as a symbol of a new awakening, growth potential, and earnings. Therefore, in Pembrokeshire, UK, a young woman gives her beloved whether a piece of birch tree as a symbol of emboldening saying "Now you can start", or a piece of Almond "Be wise and desist." Also for the celebration of BELTAINE, birch rods are used to fan the flames. In a symbolic level during the Winter Solstice (December 21), Robin, in the role of Spirit's New Year party with a birch branch to kill his predecessor, the Pollack Golden Crest-The Spirit Year-Old who found hiding in an Ivy (or होली Shrub). This is consistent with the legend that the first Irish Ogham inscription was made in a birch rod. Technical Data: Tree of the family of Betulaceas of maountain forest or the cold areas of Europe; trunk with bark white, smooth, that crack with age; diamond blades, glabrous, toothed with long petiole; oval glass and sparse ; Amentos in unisexual flowers, fruit in small achene with two wings. Leaves used as a diuretic. White wood, compact, used to work around. Bark used for tanning hides and skins, the fermented sap, it gives a foamy beverage, called birch beer, which is consumed in the northern regions
(Mountain Rowan )Mountain Rowan, or mountain ash, a tree is very popular, and as' The Lady of the Mount, 'one of the most beautiful. It is used to be planted on both sides of the fronts of the houses to keep away witches and other malign influence. The whip ash is the only one who can control the horses endiablados. In the Highlands is regarded as the Tree of Life, as its fruit perennial red berries deferred desire of food for long. The ancient celts referred to the awe-inspiring rowanas the "Fid nan Druad", meaning "the wizard's tree
(Ash) The strong and straight branches of Ash, were used for making spears, rowing, fencing poles, handles of weapons and tools, furniture, and part of vessels. It has religious connotations as druídic rod (found in Anglesey copies decorations spiral) Technical Data: Tree of the family of Oleaceas, grows in the mountainous forests associated with oaks, maples and beeches, and also to
cultivate gardens; trunk up more than 30 meters tall, with smooth bark, green ashy After dark, with yellowish white wood, heavy, used to make sports instruments, farming tools, contraplacado for coal and wood; imparipinnadas leaves used as fodder, small flowers, monoecious, aclamídeas, in clusters, oblong fruit
(Alder)According to scientific studies, was already a common tree during the 8000-5000 BC For its resistance to water was used for the manufacture of mill wheels, gates of river channels, and buckets of milk। A variety of dyes were obtained from this tree: the bark of red, green flowers, brown of its offshoots. In the glossary of Cormac is called "ro-EIM ',' one that the red face '. There are coincidenceswiththedeity Bran, and hence with crow / battle / death / and why not with the Other World. The character of Bran preserves the quality and significance of 'Strong'. We found three times in reference to Bran Celtic myths and legends: Bran, the famous mastiff of Finn Mc Cumhaill; Bran, Son of Febal, the Irish hero tempted by Mannanan, son of LIR, to visit the Island of Women, and Briton Bran 'The Chosen', Mannawyddan brother and son of Llyr, of such size that any house could accommodate, but he was kind and possessed magical treasures, among the most important was the Cauldron Healing, his move is narrated in the cycle Welsh of the Mabinogi. In the alphabet of trees, the letter 'F' related to Bran remains in fourth place, his reference being the Alder. Considered sacred by the belief in its' bleeding 'to be felled, the wood of this tree was used by Bran' The Chosen One'to construct the pillars of a bridge built from Wales to Ireland on the occasion of the rescue of his sister Branwen. Because of its durability under water was used for practical developments such as buckets to collect water or milk in the construction of wheels for mills or gates of irrigation ditches. In the calendar originated from this' script oracle 'the Alder related to the lunar month which runs from March l8 of the April 14, a period in which the sun evaporates the Spring floods Winter; this regard we must point out that some houses were Celtic built on pillars of alder to prevent entry of water. The alder was respected because of the variety of vegetable dyes that produces its red bark, green flowers and brown of their stems. In the Welsh triads, cites' crimson heroes' who are supposed to be used dyes alder, also referred to as "ro-EIM 'which means' those who red his face'. In the poem "Song of the Trees of the Forest 'attributed to Osian, appears as" the most spirited in the batlle', we associate the alder to the figure of the' tree of fire ', due to the power of fire evaporate moisture of land. The branch of alder is related to the figure of Bran in Welsh poem 'Cad Godew' The Battle of-the-trees included in the Book of Taliesin, as a sign of resurrection because their buds to grow shaped spiral. Technical Data: Tree of the family. Betuláceas, also called chimney in central Europe. Frequent along rivers and canals, bark rich in tannins, light wood, ocráceo reddish, water-resistant, oval leaves with serrated edge; male flowers in amentos; infructescenses glutinous, in strig cylindrical.

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