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The Celtic Tree Alphabet : Part 1 - The Ogham Encryption by Eliseo Mauas Pinto

The Ogham Encryption by Eliseo Mauas Pinto

The druidic schools were known as' Cor 'or' Grove ', when the Romans arrived in the British Isles. At that time there were about forty Tuitions (with100 students each), there were also dozens of smaller educating groups . This system of training was the generator of spiritual and cultural stratum of society. The students during their training, 8, 12 and 20 years learned the one hundred and fifty characters of encrypted Celtic writiong known as Ogham.
The Welsh historian D. Rhys says that the “ogmic” term can be translated as "skill in the words" explanation intimately linked to the Druids secrecy regarding this type of encryption. While Rhys confers to the “Ogham writing” a totally Irish origin, there are other lecturers like D. Diringer in his book "The Alphabet, A Key to the History of Humanity", who claims that the inventors of this writing handled the rune alphabet, saying that both systems are related by a magical and common source. Some have suggested it comes from the Greek system used in Northern Italy and that in this area also would have resulted runes then associated with the Etruscan civilization.
One of the most fascinating variants for this kind of writing is the Tree Ogham , where each notch or group of incisions was related to a specific tree, whose name in Irish Gaelic related to a letter (eg: Duir ( 'oak') = D). This alphabet was only taught in such schools, making it into an enrypted secret way. For example, when the Druids wanted to communicate over long distances resorted to containers or bags which retained collected
leaves, then came to its alphabeticall correspondence according interspersed along a thread casing (intermediate nodes that could be made to facilitate decryption) finally the court would hand wrapped in a leather inside a box or a messenger. Even when the message is intercepted, only an educated person could interpret the message.
Similar to the Ogham tree leaves, there were the Ogham Tree Rods, where each rod was recorded (and sometimes painted in red) brands. Each rod was called 'promise' or 'knot', were known collectively as
coelbreni '. The word means coel prophet, seer and therefore were also used in adivinitaroy practice, during which they were ritually thrown on a white cloth and then be 'read'.
There were also Coel Fain, the Stones Omen, which can bring us closer to our previous reference of association with runes.
The Alphabet Basics was divided into five groups of five letters. The groups were probably assigned to the North, South, East and West, with five-letter dates (Forfeda) associated with these mystical fifth Central Point.
The whole oghmic system is in Irish Gaelic (ERSE), and its sub-systems depend on nominal tie in that language. Dozens of categories make up the correspondences (birds, colors, animals, lakes, water wells, battles, hills, rivers, etc.). Yet the correspondence was not met specifically mnemonic (eg-for ‘Fearn' Irish alder tree, it is the letter F, being it’s correspondence, the bird 'Faelinn' (gull), while in Celtic mythology is associated with the ' Raven, we can relate how many variants could be added to the secret encryption).

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